Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Journal Entry #9

Tuesday Afternoon
4:30 p.m.

It was asked in class today: How has this class (the writing class) changed you spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally? In the last two posts I write, I'm going to think about some specific answers or musings directed toward that question. I'm going to process that question. My first thought is that it has not changed me much. Maybe it's helped me write cleaner and more frugal with my words, (more bang for my buck so to speak...thank you Michael) but it has not changed me in terms of challenging me to go places I have not been before in the art of self expression, or fine tune my writing style. If anything, I've doubted myself. Maybe, because of where I was this semester in my relationship with God and my comfortability within myself that's to blame. Maybe it's a dose of humility within my competitive nature that's been taken to task. All in all I think, I wasn't in a place I could articulate any positive outreach to others. My soul was tired this semester and it showed. That sounds strange, but in the next two postings I'll wrestle with this.

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Interesting post, Laurel. I think it says a lot about you and where you are right now. Thanks for sharing.