Monday, June 22, 2009

Discipline & 2 Birthdays last week

CPE has taken all my energy so to speak. It's a tremendous growth experience and a huge opportunity for which I am grateful, but completely draining.....and then at the end of last week I developed a latent (post 20 days) reaction to a vaccine. I got a "mild" case of the chicken pox. I still broke out all over and was uncomfortable; albeit the worst was being sent home and not being able to participate in any aspect of the the program for a week. Many of my friends know this portion of my story already. Now, I feel I'm past the reaction (all the pox are resolved as they call it) but waiting for the appointed time to commence where I left off. It's like the discipline of waiting on God...okay God I'm ready now, but then God says not so many stories in the Bible refer to this...Abraham and Sarah for one. And so, I wait with my at home to-do list and latent anxiety that all will be fine :-).

Two birthdays I didn't blog about last week. Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin had a birthday last week, as well as Lillian Hellman who wrote the Children's Hour. Stowe's masterpiece was Uncle Tom's Cabin, a story that changed history....a story that brought the travesty of slavery and the unalienable rights of freedom and justice for all people to light. In her obituary from July 2 1896, the writer said Stowe heard their stories and saw their wounds; she helped their flight. In her own words (written in the article), she said that the story of Uncle Tom was not hers, but given to her with the implication that the gift did not come from a earthly source.
Lillian Hellman who lived from 1905-1984 was one of the United States most famous playwrights who was subsequently blacklisted during the McCarthyism Era for not "rating" out her friends and colleagues as "communists". One of her most famous plays was the Children's Hour, where the issue of slander and belief was addressed. A startling story and one that is still true today.

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