Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cool Giveway and Scattering Joy

My friend Beth's friend Erin is doing a give away for an inspirational pendant. Very Cool. This is the details from my friend Beth's blog, ....Erin (Tesori Trovati) is doing a giveaway of a W.O.W. (Words of Wisdom) pendant! On the front of the pendant is your initial, and on the back an inspirational quote. It's gorgeous.

Above is a picture of the pendant. If you enter, let Erin know that I sent you to her blog to enter the contest. Good Luck!!! http://treasures-found.blogspot.com/2009/03/scatter-joy.html
Oh and best part of all is that she writes a post about scattering joy, that's well, very inspirational. :-).


TesoriTrovati said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog Laurel! I love your blog and the inspriational tone. I appreciate that you took the time to find me. Enjoy the day!

TesoriTrovati said...

Please email me and let me know which initial you would like and where to send it!
Enjoy the day!