Monday, April 6, 2009

The Week Starts: Monday

This is Holy Week and a week for contemplation...quiet high, a welcome for Christ to come in; remembering, a time to reflect and enjoy a supper, and lasting love and wisdom; despairing, feeling the depth of the the deep valley of a pit and the deep pain of the world's ails; and then quiet once again followed by exuberant rejoicing, an all soul knowing that God moves with us and through us (there is no barrier between God and humanity any longer) to bring healing and grace...and most ultimately to bring the encouraging and eternal demeanor of hope through Christ's love. A joyous day to realize He is Risen, indeed. But Sunday is not here yet, so for Monday, I will start with seven things Ghandi wrote that prevents us from living non-violently and promotes us to live a life spiritually deprived (what he referred to as the 7 sins of the world). These were taken from a speech given by his grandson, Arun Ghandi.

1) Wealth w/out Work
2) Pleasure w/out Conscience
3) Knowledge w/out Character
4) Commerce w/out Morality
5) Service w/out Humility
6) Worship w/out Sacrifice
7) Politics w/out Principles

And, I've personally added an eighth to this list, Rights w/out Responsibility

What would you add......


C. Beth said...

All very good--including your eighth.

I might add Justice Without Mercy.

Laurel said...

My friend Heather adds blessings without blessing to the list of Gandhi's sins.